Private Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Glasgow

Telephone and Video call appointments available. First 15 min free phone call consultation.

Therapy For Families Glasgow
Family Therapies
Through the therapy every member of the family will understand how they have impacted upon other members of the family.
Leadership in business
This course will help your managers and team leaders to give their full potential and accomplish targets.
Therapy for men
Psychotherapy will help you to understand your current life difficulties according to your past and future expectations.

Hello, I’m Natalia Fair. Counselling and Psychotherapist Glasgow.

I am an experienced Counsellor and Psychotherapist  in Glasgow, working one-to-one and with families. I have been involved in this area for more than 15 years. I see clients from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures. I am from Barcelona but have lived in Glasgow for many years. I think that my experience and passion to help others makes me a person that can offer good guidance to people who experience difficulties in life.

If you would like to contact me to find out if I am the correct person for you, I offer a free 15-minute phone call consultation. Otherwise, please follow the directions on the website.

I have experience of working both in local councils and privately in a variety of settings: counselling services in Glasgow, psychological therapy services and hospitals.

I have extensive experience in parenting support, domestic violence, sexual abuse and cancer trauma.

I am a fully trained, qualified practitioner with a private Counselling and Psychotherapy practice in Glasgow. I am a registered member of the British Psychological Society.

Fields: Psychology & Mental Health

Years in Practice: 15+ Years


BA(hons) in Psychology from The Open University in Catalunya.

MSC. in Global Mental Health from the University of Glasgow.

Scottish Vocational Qualification Level 3 for Children and Young people – SVQ3.


News, articles and general thoughts from Natalia Fair.

Cuida tu salud mental durante y después estos tiempos difíciles con el Corona Virus

Cuida tu salud mental durante y después estos tiempos difíciles con el Corona Virus

  Es una realidad, el confinamiento y restricciones sociales han provocado muchas dificultades en nuestro cerebro. Ansiedad y estrés…
Support your Mental Health During and After Lock down

Support your Mental Health During and After Lock down

Natalia Fair is supporting your mental well being during and after Corona virus Natalia Fair offers video call consultations…


When we sleep we try to make sense of the day , if we are experiencing stress and anxious…